retinol and other vit A derivatives (tret, retinoid, etc) work by making the skin renew itself faster, i.e., your face will have newer skin which looks and feels nicer than old skin
the downside is that you have newer skin consistently and if your skin is not used to it, it can be far more sensitive (and definitely far more sensitive to UV, so wear sunscreen. always wear sunscreen)
so in short, yes there always is a point to using retinol. most ppl say that under 25 maybe you don't need it because your skin is still rapidly rejuvenating itself, but if you can afford the initial sensitivity then i see no harm in using it. magic ingredient. start with less irritating retinoids (lower concentration and weaker), as u get used to it u can upgrade to retinol and then eventually tret (and tret is usually prescription only so ask ur derm)Statistics: Posted by fun_yunchables — Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:42 pm