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Re: a/s/l: the new member introduction zone

Hi all! I'm GummyBear, I just sort of stumbled upon this place and I'm not great at introducing myself so here goes nothing...

19/F, from Ohio, I like the snow, scented candles, sewing, grapefruit juice, and couscous. cheers!
by GummyBear
Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:06 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: a/s/l: the new member introduction zone
Replies: 1004
Views: 553730

Re: Small wallet, big ideas - the DIY thread

Repaired the shoulder strap-part of an old thrifted satchel with some goofy rainbow thread I stole from my mom, you can't see it unless you're way up close but it makes me happy secretly knowing it's there :3
by GummyBear
Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:56 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: Charming boy is charming (DIY thread)
Replies: 311
Views: 198443

Re: Hardcore grinding

Roommate left my tea kettle on the stove and then forgot about it, fast forward an hour, the kettle is probably ruined and kitchen smells terrible :(
(Editing to say that it's extra annoying because they didn't fess up, I just had to find melty kettle)
by GummyBear
Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:17 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: The Whine Club
Replies: 1237
Views: 562348

Re: herby holidays

I love having creative homework and smoking beforehand cos it's so enjoyable and I just feel so aware of good ideas
by GummyBear
Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:43 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: herby holidays
Replies: 273
Views: 141988

Re: feeltalk thread

I accidentally got a tiny freelance graphic design job (someone wants me to make a poster &flyer for their small performance business) and it's awesome because yay job experience!! and $$!! but terrifying because I don't know what I'm doing and everything seems scary!!!
by GummyBear
Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:36 am
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1328419

Re: 2015 Style Resolutions

To stop getting frustrated when I can't afford the new clothes I want, and just enjoy the stuff I've got already.
Not clothes goals- cook more and eat healthier in general!
by GummyBear
Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:07 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: 2015 Style Resolutions
Replies: 115
Views: 56752

Re: feeltalk thread

My roommate can sort of be nasty when she drinks, like she'll make snippy comments and almost act like she wants to start an argument and I just don't want to hang out with her at all anymore but when our friends are over it's awkward cos I have to. Ugh I hate this.
by GummyBear
Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:32 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1328419

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