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care-tags.org • Search

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Re: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography

ahhh~ ben now you're driving me crazy because there was one woman who did design work quite similar to the supreme logo stuff—photographs superimposed with stark sans typography, various phrases that had been cut-and-pasted on colored backgrounds onto the photos. the text was supposed to bring up th...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:14 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography
Replies: 38
Views: 35743

Re: feeltalk thread

i think there's just something viscerally nice about having something in your hands and letting the viewing of photography be a 3D meatspace kind of experience. and it starts to feel more special and rare because who is distributing paper these days? when a photo is printed it feels like a higher ma...
by schiaparelli
Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:48 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: Stuff You've Made

lanky , your whole photo diary is amazing. i really love this , the streaky blur feels very intentional and i like how the image is partitioned into zigzaggy outlines of the branches on top and superimposed, more visible green streaks on the bottom. this is super vermeer and the lighting is perfect...
by schiaparelli
Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:39 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Stuff You've Made
Replies: 21
Views: 16181

Re: Opportunity Costs

matiko felix perforated oxfords . here is the product page . http://cdn.needsupply.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/460x590/e9607dc71bc010050ca2ae6f644b84c1/1/0/1001741_5.jpg pros : ⋅  espadrille sole, i'm swooning already ⋅  perforations are so cool ⋅  my favor...
by schiaparelli
Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:32 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: I don't know what I want (Buyer's guide)
Replies: 2069
Views: 1338841

Re: feeltalk thread

ahhhhh yes that would be so cool. you should start a zines thread and show us sneak previews ofc i tried to poke around a zine forum with not a lot of helpful threads, but here's what i got anyway: ⋅  "I was wondering if anybody has any tricks they know on how to balance thrift with p...
by schiaparelli
Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:09 am
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: Eyewear

SALT glasses . it is pretty hard to resist the undefatiguable combo of handcrafted-in-japan x generously-letterspaced-sans-serif-all-caps-brand x period-in-the-brand-because-they're-the-best-period. these in particular (the dasha model) look like the kind of dog you'd like to own someday, and pose ...
by schiaparelli
Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:58 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Eyewear
Replies: 190
Views: 163770

Re: Care Tags

i'm sad that care tag typography is typically not v. customized and beautiful. i kinda was toying with the idea of a v. literal care/tags forum banner, but still trying to figure out how to accomplish it. some generic corporate faceless sans, all caps, and a bunch of impenetrable iconography should ...
by schiaparelli
Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:09 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Care Tags
Replies: 222
Views: 158668

Re: Materials thread

i have to agree with you re: poly. i actually popped back in this thread to note that the reason i'm wary of poly is that it isn't v. breathable and i always feel uncomfortably sweatier than normal wearing poly than cotton. really have to stop buying 100% poly for stuff next to my skin.
by schiaparelli
Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:07 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Materials thread
Replies: 21
Views: 16420

Re: feeltalk thread

one of them is clearly slacking in this thread-creation game then! today i sat down and made a list of all the minor todos (not big things like GRADUATE UNIVERSITY and WRITE THE GREAT AMERICAN NONFICTION TREATISE ON DESIGN and PUT TOGETHER MY PORTFOLIO, just small chores and emails to send out and b...
by schiaparelli
Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:58 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: Sandals with socks

this is such an exciting thread. sadly i have little to contribute but i am having so much fun looking at what you guys have posted céline fur slippers : s/s 2013 (sknss also posted a fitpic with them above). i think they're so cute and funny and i also included what google images suggests as simila...
by schiaparelli
Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:01 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Sandals with socks
Replies: 75
Views: 64527

Re: Things you are saving for other than clothes

oh, wow. hello hoops :3

right now i guess i'm saving for font creation software (right now i'm thinking of getting ) and maybe another camera lens, or i could give my current setup to my younger sister and get a whole new camera body + lens altogether.
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:58 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Things you are saving for other than clothes
Replies: 94
Views: 79824

Re: WAYWT go gabba gabba

bels, you look quite good except for your posture. i hate to be that guy but i'm totally lying here, i have appointed myself the posture police

what are your shoes?
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:59 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Take S. U. T. O. three times daily with food
Replies: 7914
Views: 5243301

Re: feeltalk thread

it amuses me that you still don't know who i am. please help me out ; n ; my only comfort is that you find this an amusing lapse in memory and not an insulting one. surely you'll take OC photos for the bits 'n' bobs thread while you are in japan? also, before you go you should budget out your expen...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:57 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography

ah, excellent catch. but when you read the other names underneath i'm not sure if it's funny or sad.
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:39 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography
Replies: 38
Views: 35743

Re: feeltalk thread

how old are you? somehow the introductions thread has been incredibly unhelpful in actual introductions. kinda sounds like your "maybe i should've done law" thoughts are stemming more from extrinsic impressions/motivation than intrinsic ones. you could probably say "i think i'd be a d...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:24 am
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

a/s/l: the new member introduction zone

isn't the first thing you're supposed to do when joining a phpBB forum is shyly introduce yourself in an "introduce yourself" thread so that the regulars can keep tabs on immigrants and dissidents?

is this even a real phpBB forum without one? i am deeply suspicious this is all a front.
by schiaparelli
Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:05 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: a/s/l: the new member introduction zone
Replies: 1004
Views: 702090

Re: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography

http://images.wookmark.com/185985_948_prada.jpg i would like to start by discussing the prada logo ! it's one of the more beautiful and unique type treatments around, imo. i'm not a type expert or a branding expert but here's what i'm getting out of it: ⋅  high-contrast but in a squared-o...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:02 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography
Replies: 38
Views: 35743

"setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography

please forgive the cheesy paraphrasing of the title. briefly: i want to talk about typography in fashion , specifically in case studies of brand x using font y , but maybe we can also ruminate about general impressions we get re: how brands use typography, what brands have endearing identity design ...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:31 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: "setting type is modern couture": fashion x typography
Replies: 38
Views: 35743


james brooks of elite gymnastics has gone solo and released a four-track album— stop pretending , under the artist name "dead girlfriends"—with cover art by claire boucher aka grimes. yes, i'm throwing out all these names so then you'll be interested and listen. http://media.tumblr.com/19...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:11 am
Forum: Care
Topic: Songs Noah will bother listening to
Replies: 1841
Views: 1026046

Re: feeltalk thread

i am amenable to sparkly banners. grandiose visions of raf simons sauntering through a field of accordion-pleated flowers come to mind. i actually googled around for how2theme vBulletin forums, and it seems a little kludgy. starfox64 , why do you every-so-often think that law school would've been a ...
by schiaparelli
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:03 am
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: feeltalk thread

i was so excited when i realized bela's world-weariness was actually justified by his age. normally those most despairing of the cruelties of the world are 16 or 20 or something. i'm a CS major x i used to do a lot of hobbyist web design and i've been kind of anxious about anything involving code an...
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:15 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: Feelings
Replies: 2747
Views: 1598432

Re: homes, houses, and abodes

currently i'm in collegemode interior design: my childhood bedroom hasn't recovered from dubious 10-year-old paint choices; all my cool stuff is packed away for the summer at university. but w/r/t ideal interior design i've begun arranging the things i love along a gradient from more minimal/monochr...
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:21 am
Forum: Care
Topic: homes, houses, and abodes n plants
Replies: 206
Views: 201342

Re: womenswear

what specifically stands out to you as poor construction or unsatisfying construction? i'm curious because it's still hard for me to pick up on these things and articulate my findings.
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:36 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: womenswear
Replies: 49
Views: 41310

Re: graphic t-shirts

i'm so delighted to have this thread as i have a pinboard dedicated to precisely this thing. these are by and large all s/s 2013 tees, by the way. i'm amused that you started this thread without examples but now i worry because the pressure of making this thread pictorially interesting is all on me ...
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:34 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: graphic t-shirts
Replies: 74
Views: 49876

Re: there isn't an "introduce yourself" thread help

my identity's been stolen ; n ; by someone whose identity is quite vague in my memory, too i was once known as schiaparelli and i am pedantically strict about the difference between "fonts" and "typefaces" ordinarily lack of capitalization and punctuation stresses me out but i am...
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:16 am
Forum: Care
Topic: a/s/l: the new member introduction zone
Replies: 1004
Views: 702090

Re: Desire Is Suffering

"good post", says ben. kinda feel i am climbing an altogether different aspiration treadmill in my increasingly nonsensical internet fashion forum posts—maybe will love myself if others love me and quantitatively express my love through upvotes and +rep? let's all take a moment to seek ful...
by schiaparelli
Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:11 am
Forum: Tags
Topic: The Price Of Quitting The Game
Replies: 609
Views: 411307

Re: Desire Is Suffering

this is going to sound like i'm proselytizing/pretentious af, but instead of reading MFA/FFA/MF/EMF these days, i've been reading /r/buddhism and trying to think about the roots of desire, the difference between wanting something and wanting something that you think the possession of a material obje...
by schiaparelli
Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:49 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: The Price Of Quitting The Game
Replies: 609
Views: 411307

Re: forum updates/info

is it too early for a novelty account:
by schiaparelli
Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:37 pm
Forum: Care
Topic: forum updates/info
Replies: 313
Views: 254608

Re: womenswear

kine økland . from her artist statement of sorts (google-translated): Kine Økland is concerned with colors and shades, chance against repetitions, contradictory material that overlaps and small details with big impact. She wants her work to reflect good craftsmanship, unexpected combinations and a ...
by schiaparelli
Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:32 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: womenswear
Replies: 49
Views: 41310

Re: Materials thread

to add on— linen and silk blends are kind of my ideal for summer garments. straight-up linen is kind of a pain and anything that can stave away creasing is welcome. bemberg cupro is lovely. i guess the only way i've found of describing it is a matte silklike thing with a fuzzily suede-like finish. i...
by schiaparelli
Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:12 pm
Forum: Tags
Topic: Materials thread
Replies: 21
Views: 16420

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