Not My Comfy Jeans


Not My Comfy Jeans

Postby iDoMolasses » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:46 pm

So after browsing for a while I've realized that the majority of these threads are cool things that the original poster wanted to show everyone. This is more of a request for you guys to show me some goodies.

UnwashedMolasses loves clothes. Duh. And he wants me to up my game. I can usually be found wearing some type of dark wash jean and a form of cotton t-shirt or generic top. Rough. I know. Our debate always boils down to me saying, "Where am I going? The grocery store for an ice cream pint and back to my living room. Why would I wear something other than my comfy jeans? They're comfortable." So my question to you is, how casual can you go without wearing jeans? Skirts and dresses to an extent, sure. But pants-wise. What am I missing out on?
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Re: Not My Comfy Jeans

Postby Yoder » Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:22 pm

Brave name.


Nothing compares to these right here during the summer. Linen cotton blends are comfy as shit when its hot as hades' backyard.
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