Posting this on behalf of a dear care-tagger friend of ours who cannot post for reasons.
On an old forum I used to frequent, they would always have yearly superlatives and while it hasn't been exactly a year, I thought it would be fun to do and just bring attention to some of the interesting/cool stuff that's been going on here.
1) favorite female fit(s)
2) favorite male fit(s)
3) best overall/your sartorial crush
1) favorite tags thread(s)
2) favorite care thread(s)
3) most entertaining commnt
4) most informative comment
5) other
6) favorite men's show
7) favorite women's show
1) person you would like to see post more
2) people you would like to see fist fight to the death
3) biggest alcoholic
4) mostly like to have actually been a bot this entire time
5) person you most want to hang out with
6) what do you think monkeys' face looks like (please draw if possible)