by hmwut » Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:16 pm
count me in for writing. will throw a few ideas around in a bit
CT INTERVIEWS: who is interviewing/who is interviewed? tailored questions or singular format?
get a list of interviews, either a few that are large or a bunch that are small. embrace select few or celebrate community.
photo essays - living space. the 500 ft you live around, daily rituals, and how it influences your choice in what you wear
reviews/contentment - Offshoot of Desire is Suffering? Talk about financial situations and how they influence your choices. a few examples: (if he's interested) is a fantastic example of a young dude who does great stuff with a very limited budget, with things that aren't conventionally fashionable. (if he's interested) is a dude with a family and a career, how does that affect your clothing and other artistic endeavors, like music? this could tie into interviews, iono.
embrace the care-tags jizz of a positive atmosphere, artisanal design(lame phrase but couldn't think of a better way to say it), and a dissuasion from rampant consumerism.
cover page? of what? i agree with smiles that the zine as a whole should be romantic, and the cover is the showcase of our theme. could be a good instance to draw on original photography/art.
incorporating the more irreverent elements of internet fashion could be a nice touch if done fleetingly. pictures of rick owens/designers saying thank you. this isnt necessary in the interest of space
colors/motifs? what are we talking about design-wise? i am partial to the light blue/white of c-t which can be incorporated in some aspect, but it's a possibility to come up with a whole other theme. graphic designers, i know you're here. step up.
THEME: this is the end. of what? imply a new direction in fashion/design/internet fashion/online communities? the care-tags direction.
i like the endings good/bad idea, smiles. original photography/art could work great here, or short stories/vignettes. maybe dwell on brand philosophies/aesthetics that tie into this theme? endings in a physical sense as well as figurative? lot of different avenues to explore there.
15 pages is a good amount, imo.
one of my favorite parts of c/t is how many perspectives/different styles can be drawn from. something to capitalize on, and not necessarily just from WAYWT.
definitely looks like there's alot of interest in involvement already. we should look into loosely organizing things when we have a stable tally of who is interested/what they're interested in doing.