by UnwashedMolasses » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:59 am
I just wabneted to say I love you guys . Seriously, I;m enjoyin g the shit out of this forum sor far. I've always wanted this style of posting with this kind of people, and everyone's either knolwsgeanvle or willing to learn. It's a lot of fun to be a part of.
I'm lik ethis because I went to a "faNCY nifght" where I once again discovered tht I'm really not comfortable with being complimented on my clothing. I went with trqaditional "nice" shit (sport coat, tie, chinos, all fitting prooperly etc.) and people were saying "oh, you acgually look good" and things like tht and I really don;t want to make it sound like I'm bragging or ANTyinhring. I actually was incredibly insecure growing up due to being pretty weird for a pretty ling time so I'm still not comfotabe with receiving coplemyinetds so I'd rather just dress weird enouhht that nobody understands it enough to comment on it. Like, I feel nice and all when I go traditionally nice, nd I enjoy the compliments ans such, but thast;s not how I want to dress from a day-to0day perspective.
Sorry, I nnnwow this probably isnt' too coherent but I don't feel like spellchecking right now.
Germinal, you seem like a totally knowledfable dude and I appreciate that. I'd love to see more of how you dress but it's cool if you don;'t want to post fits. Also, I sold those EG shorts I bought off you. Sorry. D: I couldn't worl thekm well enough, I just like pants more.
Women on this forum: why no fits? I appreciate the persptecitve on the opinnions ajd =such but it'd still be nice to get some visual diversigication. Shit thst was probably spelled really badly.
Trasjplie (odradek?) I love the things you contribte but it always feels like you popo in aand say domething and pop back iut and I wish you'd stick around for conversations and sucj (although you probably do and I'm jsst spouting crap right now).
Is SisterRayVU on here? i feel like he could cotrubite well,.
Keith and Haydn and Adhi I miss takling to you guys. I wish we could bring back the Skype call (without Zach though, he's a bit of a cunt ain't he). I'm sorry I didn't participate more during the summer.
Which brings up a whole nother pointL: I feel bad because I particiate more while Im in school because I enjoy being social but I'm super comfortablre with being soitary so I dobn't go out of my wayt too hang out with people so I end yp relyng more on the internet for social interaction whihc in a way is okaty because you guys proivide some interesting perspectives that I can't get otherwisew in my day to day life but I feel like apologizing to my frieds because I don't actively try and hang out with them.
I'cve been going through cop binges where I don;'t buy anthing for a while and then I buy a whole bunch of shit. I bought some boots and some kicvks ad some pants and some shirts and stuff and I'm excited and all and I want to post fits but I alsoonly have my phone to do it eith and I dpn' know what to do. Liek Im sure the phone is phine but I wish I had soe way of actually posting hi-def photos or whatever.
It's so hard to detiermine (Shit) determine whehter what I'm buying and derssing as is for the approval of people on the internet or whether it's just what I like. Like, I kow I like it and enjoy wearing it but I don't self-analyze enough to know whether I enjoy it because I think poelpe on the internet will spprove or if I would like it if I didn't have that context. And I actually self-analyze to an incredibly obnozious extent so I purposefgylly avoid it when I can becayse otherwuse I have a tendency to spiral into theese self-redferential black holes where I critivize myself for not being able to takee my own criticizm and shit gets weird really quick and the only thing that pulls me out of is the voice of my beautifuk wonderfu woman. I really really REALLY love this girl guys. She's been with me for more tabn 4 years and she's taught me so much and I've taught her so much and we've got such a gret hthing going. We were long distance (MIAMI TO RROEME GEORGIA) Fotr a while and if that had gobne on longer it might've killed things but really she's incredible. She makes me llaugh when no one else can, she can change my mood with nothing but a facial expression, I spend my nights dreaming of just lying next to her except I produce a lot of pbody heat naturally so typically we can only sniuglle for a biut befire we have to go to separate ebnds of the sheets to go to bed but seriously I LOVE THIS GIRL SO MUCH.
Sorry for the super long post, see youn ing the mornihg/