Bowing out of the Zine discussion as I feel like my idea might be quite different to that. I would like to do more stuff together creatively and while I think we could decide on other things I'll sort this one out myself.
If you want to be involved this is what I want you to do:
- Use anything you like, Word, InDesign, Gimp, whatever and create a DPS (double page spread) of anything you want. The only brief is 'style' and it can include ANYTHING you like. A collection of photos, an essay, a drawing, a blank colour page - whatever.
- In one week I'll post an email address here for you to send submissions to. Between now and then please create a throwaway gmail (or whatever) to email from. I would like all submissions to be completely anonymous. You can own up once it's published as to which pages are yours, or it can be a big secret. I don't want to know by proxy so please only send via a fake email.
- I will collate all pages and create a simple cover then publish here via whatever means seems best (most likely a downloadable .pdf)
We will all then have a time capsule of our thoughts from now. Easter eggs in the pages are welcome and please try and use images that were meant to be shared or look up what you need to do to change them. In all cases please reference in any way you like. I personally like hyperlinked text (you can do this if you save files as interactive pdf).
Register your involvement for this via upthumbs so I know how many to expect.