general PSA about antipsychotics (abilify, seroquel, etc) - doctors really shouldn't be prescribing them for non psychotic disorders, e.g. sleep problems (seroquel), anxiety, depression
- Idk what you're taking Abilify for, but if it's not for a psychotic disorder, please be careful. ... .html?_r=0and a research article (there's many on atypicals and their effect on the brain over time, do a quick search on psychinfo)- ... 11.75.html (antipsychotic's effect on brain volume)
tardive dyskinesia is serious and a possible side effect of anti-psychotics, I developed it this year after three years on various different atypical anti-psychotics. Be careful and do your own research if your psych doctor recommends any drugs in the atypical class if you don't have schizophrenia or bipolar.