by arcticsound » Mon May 19, 2014 2:24 am
PayPal is seriously fucking with me right now. I had a negative balance that I resolved on May 9th, but the transfer still hasn't finished processing for some reason, so now every time I make a payment it insists on adding the negative balance onto whatever I'm paying for, but they'll all take over a week to process. So now I have three times the money I need going into my account against my will and I'll have to spend another week transferring it all back to my bank account once the original transfer clears (which means I'll have roughly $300 that I can't access for the next two weeks at least). On top of all this, all of the sudden they're forcing me to only pay with eCheques even though I'm fully verified with my bank account and have done plenty of instant transfers before. This especially sucks with Rakuten since the sellers have payment deadlines and don't seem to speak english very well. I already have one store wondering where their money is from an order I made on the 14th, but the eCheque inexplicably is 'processing' until an entire week from now and right now it looks like they're going to cancel the order because they don't understand what I'm saying in my emails.