by popcorn » Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:58 pm
Oooo, I wanted to make this thread a while ago but some of our users dislike video game discussion on
Summoner name Ryan Firecrotch, NA.
Normal game player, I do it for the love.
Started on Talon patch, played a huge amount the last three summers - spent a lot of time on /r/leagueoflegends and some on /vg/ (they're awful). Haven't gotten to play on days that aren't saturday lately, but when swim season ends I'll have more time to senselessly burn. My favorite champs are Lee Sin, Zed, and Gragas according to usage, but my favorites of all time have been Gangplank in pre-S2, SpamHappy's Poppy top build in S2, and S2 Graves.
I enjoyed an old viktor game here and there, loved him on ARAM. Here's the negatives of the new set.
- His new W, wow, his new W. It actually requires the other player stop moving or turn around to receive the stun.
- The new W upgrade is very, very situational, where the old W upgrade was sleeper overpowered. Having a range increase on a CC ability was simply a balancing mistake. When Scarra played Viktor mid he'd go blue upgrade. I went it in 80% of games.
- Spell vamp is no longer good on him. Most of the damage on his Q was shifted to the auto attack.
- His mana consumption with rank 5 Q and some CDR is actually tier 1 alongside Anivia and Swain. Athene's doesn't even begin to balance it out late game if you're not actively receiving kills.