by IsaiahSchafer » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:03 pm
Rick owens, inspired by the Big Mac (Royale with Cheese elsewhere, I hear) took to playing on what we consider to be "hamburgers". The GeoMcBasket, instead of three pieces of bread and two pieces of meat has five and four respectively. While the bun (what we would consider to be the "standard" way to present hamburgers) are actually raw pieces of dough hewn into shape by his bare hands. The hamburger patties themselves are so large they start to sag over the sides and drape over one another. There's no condiments added, but many people like to spice it up with the competing restaurant- Orange Julius_7- and their spin on condiments. The hamburger costs 95$ and triggerdisk posts black and white pictures of him rubbing his face with it- almost how Rick envisioned it being used, but not quite there- every so often on instagram.