a - automoderator.reddit.com (lol)
b - blueowl.us
c -
http://care-tags.org/ (smiling)
d - detexify.kirelabs.org math student life over here
e - eastdane.com
f - facebook.com
g - google calendar
h - homotopytypetheory.org
i - imgur.com
j - jcrew.com
k - kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.org/care-tags - i haven't been on in forever though D:
l - nothing
m - math.rutgers.edu/grad
n - nothing
o - nothing
p - pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page the wiki for a really addicting phone game
q - questionablecontent.net an okay comic
r - reddit.com
s - soccer.reddit.com visited everyday during the world cup haha
t - tumblr.com
u - ultiworld.com frisbee!
v - viberg.com
w - weather.gov
x - xkcd.com
y - youtube.com
z - zenpencils.com