by Stingray Sam » Thu May 01, 2014 2:34 am
i want to preemptively apologize this angsty teenage rant, but i really want to get this off my chest and don't have many places to just rant.
Ugh so throughout my entire life my parents have been so good to me in that they have afforded me many opportunities, resources and some support. Yet, they have never let me fail at anything and it is so terribly infuriating. I just hate it so much. I cannot remember a time where my dad tried to intervene on something that i was doing so that he could fix it for me. They have always made me continue doing sports, musics etc. that i didn't like because it would mean giving up and failure. That's not to say that they did all the work for me, rather they just forced me to not fail and gave me a lot of help. Now that i'm in community college and about to graduate from high school they don't have any of the resources to check up on me or force me to do anything related to school work. So they are forced to trust me which they are adamantly opposed to. My mother doubts if i go to school, therapy or even if i have depression/anxiety issues. She always assumes that i am drunk or high and that i am lying to her about something. My dad mostly takes my mom's word. Then they do not think that i am doing well in school or care about it even when time and time again have shown that i am doing well even though my studying habits are not necessarily what they think is right. Since they will not trust me and cannot check up on me and believe that i am going about everything wrong they are in constant conflict with everything i do assuming that i am just shirking my responsibilities and ruining my life. I mean jesus christ i got a 3.6 gpa last quarter and my culminative gpa is 3.7 what more do you want? It seems that everything i do is ruining my life even though i'm quite sure that aside from my parental issues my life is the best it has been in a very long time. I mean the do afford me a number of freedoms such as drinking and smoking weed, and i have demonstrated a great degree of responsibility when it comes to those sorts of things and pretty major slip ups are treated with immense leniency. On the other very small slip ups cause disruptions for days or weeks on end. For instance today i was 30 minutes late to a volunteering thing that i do due to the fact that i took a different route and got lost. I called my dad and asked him for the phone number of the director so tht i could let him know that depending on where i was i might not even be able to make it to the volunteering. He yelled at me for at least five minutes complaining about how i am always irresponsible and how disgraceful i am and how poorly it reflects on him and i. i did get to the volunteering and talked to the director who was fine with it and acknowledged that things happen. I still haven't talked to my dad tonight and he made several remarks to my mom about how he's done with me (i can't count how many times he's told us that he's done with me/this family) and how he thinks that feministfatal is partially to blame and how he never wants to see her again. I'm just so frustrated with all this conflict and overbearing on their part. I just want them to let go and let me graduate from HS and get into uni on my own. I understand that there intentions are in the right place, but their actions have such a devastating effect on our family. It's also quite frustrating because i don't really feel like we are a family. I'm really scared to admit this in any family counseling because when i've made suggestions or when they've asked me if i felt negatively about them they began to ask if i was really that selfish or loved them or question whether or not i deserved to be in this family before i could even give an answer. There's just so much conflict and not much affection or togetherness that i've become really alienated from them. They feel more like terrible roommates rather than parents. It's quite scary to question whether or not your love for your parents is unconditional and whether or not you truly do love them. I'm also so fed up with my mom's snarky comments, just a couple days ago i asked her to stop asking me who i am trying to impress with my clothes because i'm not really trying to impress anyone and it makes me seem like a vain asshole. She then told me that i was a vain asshole. I remember this shit! You don't think it hurts when you call me a vain asshole or a selfish child or that you wish i would just move out or when you don't even believe that the panic attack i had in front of you was real.
I really wish that i decided to apply for fall quarter rather than winter quarter at uni. Sorry that got so long