Glossy pink skin rippled furtively under the layer of hair, billowing as the knees snapped forward and drew back. A bit of spit and rapid pumps of air into the lungs generated a small quantity of foam from four separate, agitated, thick pink lips.
He watched the sallow flank ripple and felt with a controlled pleasure both the firm, calculated grip of the crop in his hand, and the shock and panic of leather meeting pink skin. His tongue collected the foam on his lips and swallowed it. He allowed the images of last night to play slowly, with attention to detail. The thick black hair in his palm, the pocked flesh of perfectly sculpted buttocks, his satisfied and unbroken silence in contrast with the low, carnal grunts.
"Stop!" He barked at the trainer, voice cracking to a dissonant chord. His knees snapped forward and drew back until his long fingers were stroking the specks of spit off of the thoroughbred's soft nose. He lost control of his breathing again, and overcompensated with short, shallow gasps. He admired the smooth, untroubled arcs he administered with his hands, his own placid expression, the relaxation of the animal.
It at once snorted and his throat convulsed, eyes trained on the snot decorating his jacket. It conveyed a sort of vague french-workwear aesthetic, the perfect symbolic mating of sophistication and pragmatism, practically a metaphor for his very existence.
Regardless, the swell of rage burst into perceptible realty in the form of an involuntary head-twitch.
"I won't be buying her." He declared curtly and turned on his heel.
The trip out to see the mare had been a complete waste of his time, and his driver wouldn't be back for another hour. Unfortunately, he knew well that the decisive power of pivots was negated by any sort of second attempt of about-face, and he resolved to stride off past the stables into the woods with a purpose he hoped looked more convincing to others than himself.
After some time, it became clear that to turn back now would be a disaster. His never-previously-seen combat boots were now caked with horse shit, black chinos grey with dust, and the collar he had berated Regina over was now sagging with sweat. He fingered the limp strands of hair that seemed obsessed with the planes of his temples. Everything clung needily in the Charleston heat.
He carefully removed his vintage matchbook and placed it on a stump. He gripped the thick rolled burning paper firmly in his pink mouth in order to shed his skin.
Pink flesh on his shoulders rippled as he casually stowed the bundle of clothes under his arm. Purpose no longer mysterious, he trotted with a severe expression back to where the driver was waiting for him, confident the others would understand his choice of Louis Vuitton boxer-briefs.