by ramdomthought » Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:04 pm
what the fuck there's a minimum number of characters required for a post? what the fuck kind of place is this not even hitler would let people go as far as this and he'd even gas a bunch of awfully good people who would og on to do great things if given the chance like swim up a waterfall or fly down a balloon or some other thing and here are some more words because this babel isn't long enough yet maybe i should repeat myself but that'd be obnoxious so i'm just going to continue with this stream of thought until it runs out then i'll start again until that thought runs out and again until that one runs out or until it changes into a topic about how bela had a cool hat or how that woop woop smiley is really kind of annoying or how some people can't measure pants or how some people have really cool fans or how arnold is the great actor who has ever lived tom arnold that is didn't see that coming now did you how am i writing this sober geeze oh petes this is weird