@ramseames not too exciting these days but my typical shoe choice these days is
rw iron rangers in brown (look good with these in workweary settings, but i feel the pants have more potential for coolness than this)
white af1s
white chucks
black solarsofts (look pretty good here with a cuff, but they are best for warm weather and uu cargoes are best for cool and in my climate you only have a week of weather where you can pull both off)
nb710s in red
nb999 elites in grey/blue
i haven't tried with the latter two, but maybe those could work?
ultimately i think they would work best in some sort of heritage/tech look, but i don't really have the rest of the clothes for that style despite it being what i want to wear because i'm too poor these days. the black rw moc toes would be perfect but they are too big and if i size down they aren't wide enough
i think some rad hiking boots would be perfect tbh. now for the tops....