by popcorn » Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:05 pm
First of all, very, very good post , there's a lot of questions in there that can or must be answered at length. I'm not going to try to address every question asked, but offer my thoughts on the same subject, however unrefined or unsatisfactory.
I do think just short of all of fashion involves the longing for attention and individual confidence, and that to try to tackle other aspects of fashion requires a bit of rigor. Being that this is a fashion forum, I think at all stages interaction is to be the highlight, and in that the goal of these interactions is for all involved to gain in some form. On the broadest scale, I do believe most of us are and will be here for attention. But a personal gain might also be critique like you said, or the forming of a lasting or more deep real-world friendship, or simply the belonging to a group of people that makes you feel not only accepted but individually valuable, and I think the fact that posting pictures of you wearing clothes to the internet can provide that to some people is a very unique phenomena and a pretty universally positive gain to provide to people.
It would be very naive on anyone's part to try and ascribe the popularity at large of WAYWT threads to anything but grabbing at attention, but I also think it might be naive to dislike them for this reason (not that this was the message of your post). I certainly wouldn't want people hinging their financial decisions around purchasing expensive clothing to show strangers on the internet, but I don't see anything toxic in people sharing pictures of themselves for gratification. On the far positive side, I would say it's very good that, say, Soundclip can use the thread to showcase his creativity - the pieces he often wears, the pieces he makes himself - and in turn receives word from people on what they like, and then if he pursues selling his own garments, he has a vocal group of people to provide feedback. Of course this is an off example.
I should add I haven't posted an outfit to this thread yet because I haven't any pictures of me wearing an outfit I could say I'm proud of.
This line is a segue.
I got a pair of straight raw jenns and I like the way they look with my Beeswax Wallabees, but they look disproportionate on my legs with less substantial footwear (authentics). I think I'm going to end up getting trail oxfords or some other form of substantial low footwear. It's also another reason for me to buy Tomsfood's red wings :/. I consider this a very direct side effect of joining this forum.
The theme of this post has been "C'est la vie."