by freddy » Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:51 am
I went back to my old school (community college) this evening to use their library, it's like a time warp after utilizing the libraries of other baller private research universities here and it doesn't help that I live in a undergrad college neighborhood. I felt a lot has changed in my three years via fashion transformation/adventures/academic leave of absence that has put me into a higher consciousness/alternate reality. It would be weird as fuck if I went back and repeated the same grind esp with my inner-city comrades whom aren't as cultured in fashion/media/politics etc. in contrast to folks at other schools. I'm still weighing my options as to if I should just continue with online school Western Governors for IT and continue to be more self-focused on my own endeavors or try to hack it and go the traditional route. If another academic restart were to happen, I would really want to be ultimately prepared for a top university transfer. However, I realize that I am also bombarded with my own self-development/psychology studies that it's going to take up space for a while, so I will likely starting again at the age off 22. I'm not sure if it'd be worth it because I want to take the chance to move away for a bit while I'm young (being in school, I'll be anchored for 2 more years and another 2 years in X) and secondly, I'm not sure if it will be worth it to get a devalued and inflated degree. I also like the idea of being self-sufficient and entrepreneurial that I get from my family. I also would want to connect with family all over the states/canada/china before I get even older, because of my parent's separation from divorce when i was 12 has estranged and stretched the few relationships that I have my cousin pretty long.
Obviously, I would need to study even more to remediate my writing and fill the knowledge gap that I have..
Secondly: My dad is insistent that I should go work with him in Seattle and open a business, but he isn't always the best organizer and is very boastful and grandiose/volatile about doing things that never come to fruition. However, he's been footing the bill for child support thus far and I feel like I owe it to him, and it would be beneficial, to have a good amount of father/son time with him in my 20s as we seldomly catch up. (before he was stretched thin financially wise, so it was tough for him to foot the ticket for me to visit him but now it seems that he is doing a lot better)
Also I think living where I live it's very competitive due to the amount of professional service jobs and educational institutions here. I mean I have buddies that aren't killing themselves academically wise but they aren't entirely directionally focused as well. I just think how relaxed it would be to live in WA state and just work at the Boeing factory making airplanes, and sometimes I just don't want to do jobs with highly analytical requirements to "think" anymore. Sometimes I have to shun them because I can get caught up in a whirl being lazy about my future outlook. It doesn't help that I have a wide desperate belonging in between many different social groups. And as I continue to address social issues and power dynamics, I also become much more progressive in the development of my life. ie. fashion has allowed me to bridge a different experience forcing myself to change my views/speaking more articulately/ meeting variously more people that overrides my preconceived notions growing up in what I realized was a semi-insular environment. I am always precarious about my decisions and natural inclinations that can lead to apathy. I think I'm wary of breaking from the momentum for what I have going on in fear that I won't be able to reinitiate it again, though I am devoting a lot of efforts in doing so that obscures my social relationships. For me, I see many of the folks I grew up with not really expanding their realities or horizons and stick to doing the same stuff, but then I hail from the inner-city and not a middle-class suburb. So in turn, I guess it's a maturing thing that everyone naturally goes through; however, I am leaving a huge net of people behind. Hell even embracing reddit has really uplifted me into a different world. Maybe it's perhaps I'm sailing past the point of no return/half way mark where I am in a limbo state of two ven diagrams of converging contexts. Unfortunately, it is also something that I have to fight the discourse myself and I only, because it's specific and circumstantial to only me.
Though, I do know that I wanted to use fashion as a way for my to self focus and self explore, to ultimately empower me to become the person i want to be. I knew turning 18, I couldn't just pack my bags an leave town, I had to leave on a good note, so fashion became my outlet for expanding my world while staying where I am now, and empowering whatever I do. It is perhaps being self focused and self exploring, also results into small bits of feeling alone and existential confrontation along the journey. I do know that I'm not there yet, and I knew from a gut feeling that it will be a long ride and not an overnight flyby. Unfortunately, there are many unsuspecting roadblocks and challenges that I have to face. The seeds I planted initially 2/3 years ago , and sowed over time, are starting to show it's fruition. I know it'll all be worth it but goddamn, I need more time.