LOL, i can speak from experience in relation to crepe soles and scottish weather.
like they look really nice but i don't think i'd be in a hurry to buy them again. it's not just weather in isolation but combos of weather and other surfaces etc, like even a little rain and then into a smooth surfaced inside can leave you going up in the air. i remember being late for class so much over a winter when i wore mine because every time i entered a building it was like the lava on the floor game, with me essentially grabbing the sides of walls as i slowly edged down the hall. i'd also worry about ice if i were you to be honest. i mean yeah they're meant to grit the roads and pavements but in reality they don't always and if there's fresh snow or ice there's not much you can do. again, memories of trying to get up and down a hill in the evening after snow fall a few years ago and being pretty terrified...
having a good sense of balance might just mean you fall over less i guess
*clutches 4 year old docs*
(i do know people that wear wallabees all year round btw, so they must find a way i guess)