by IsaiahSchafer » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:33 am
I was going to find a .gif of someone throwing up, but decided against it. Was thinking about this the other day- because of social anxiety I've vomited on dates with four separate girls. Once (luckily) at my house (made it to toilet). Once at a thai restaurant (before the food arrived). Once at a frozen yogurt place (luckily I got back in from the patio before they locked up). And once less than 10 minutes after first meeting in-person the girl who is now my wife. I was driving on the interstate after just getting her from the airport. She had to hold the wheel while I scrambled for my back-up social-anxiety-induced-vomit-bag and spewed undigested apple bits and oatmeal. For the next two minutes.
I could feel it coming and there wasn't an exit for several miles and there wasn't much of a shoulder to pull over on. I tried to be suave (ha) in bringing it up. "so... you ever been so nervous you've vomited? Oh, no?... huh... Well I have. And am about to be again."
She actually married me. There's hope for all of us.