by maj » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:06 am
Being lonely and stuff spirals fast, it's not good for the head and if you have no outlet it really eats away at you fast. While you posting here is a great thing and you're by no means annoying and such, sitting in front of a pc for hours on end can be one of the absolute worst things you can do when you feel down tho. From my experiences you start to see and think others have this great life judging from online profiles, you distract yourself from what you're feeling, the actual act of sitting there will give you headaches and make you feel crummy (i found it hard to realise this was the case at the time for myself) and it has the whole "I can. Communicate to anyone in the world while still being entirely alone" jizz which can also be detrimental and make you beat yourself up more.
It's v, v, v, important to go out and do stuff that makes u feel ~alive~ as it gets the heart pumping, releases endorphins and all round clears your head while goving an outlet to your anxiety and stress about life, opposed to distracting, postponing or living with it. everyone used 2 tell me 2 do this but I was always like lol no go away I like sitting here on the internet, but it really does work like adding brown sauce to ur chilli con carne or cracking an egg into ur 20p instant noodles to make it more filling. sports which can be Solo activity and non competitive sports are my fave, stuff like skateboarding, cycling, disk golf, swimming and so on can be great. I really like skateboarding as it's something completely foreign to me when I picked it up and watching myself get better overtime to the point where I'm able to whizz around like the tony hawk superglued to the ground is nice for the confidence, although I did eat shit yesterday smashing my face into the ground and get a free ambulance ride. I've never felt more ~alive~ than when I did that tho. It's all part of the fun, you might even meet some new bros along the way.
Gives you a sense of achievement when you come home at the end of the day and you can feel like "hey I done something cool today" and tell everyone online in the evening. Also when u meet new people you have this cool hobby which everyone is like "wow ur so cool wow such sik tekkers".... At least that's what I tell myself.
It's no miracle cure but it's the first step on the road.
Also get a good sleep scheadual, it's sooooooo important to feeling good.
You may already be doing this tho, in which case, keep it up, it gets better and ur not annoying it's good to see someone post rather than all of us sitting here consuming media 4 free with no contribution. We need more banter anyway.