I've been interested in the idea of owning series of clothing, i.e. the same thing but in different colorways, the essential idea being finding a piece with a cut, shape, or jizz that you really like and exploring that with slight variations. It's an extension of how I view art (and my own creation of it) in general; can I make this piece a part of a series? Episodic? A triptych? I had white and black pairs of those Nikes, but they weren't
exactly the same so I never viewed it as a true series.
But today I completed one!

Graphic tees for Maison Kitsune by a Dutch artist I really like named Jordy van den Nieuwendijk. It took a few months of tracking and shipping from three continents, but I have them.
Does anyone else have a series of clothing, or is interested in the concept? More than just "the same AmAp tee in eight colors", but a series that was legitimately
curated, to keep with the thread nomenclature?