SCENE: The lounge of a rented house BELA and NOT FORT GIRL ANOTHER GIRL sit on a couch. BELA has followed NOT FORT GIRL ANOTHER GIRL on INSTAGRAM and is SCROLLING through her 'GRAMS
BELA: Haha, you use a lot of hash tags
NFGAG: Haha shut up
BELA: This one is kind of cool though, where was it?
NFGAG: Oh that was an exhibition at The Serpentine.
BELA: It's really great, hold on...
(BELA stops scrolling and pinches to zoom)
BELA: What's this, what's this a picture of?
NFGAG: Oh, that's a fort I made.
BELA (VISIBLY SHAKEN): A fort. Do you mean at an exhibition or something? Like an installation?
NFGAG: Haha, no, yeah, it's just a fort I made it at a friend's house
BELA: Hashtag blanketfort hashtag pillowfort?
NFGAG: Haha.