I'll most likely be posting a daily tactic for this thread: to any unaware, a tactic is a board position that you must make a certain series of moves on to achieve the best result. Participation is easy, just place a rep comment with your notated series of moves.
SO I may as well explain chess notation, which is how all those scenes in the movies where the supervillain and the super genius play chess without a board and it's super intense and smart.
Here's the chessboard
As you can see it goes A-H 1-8
Chess notation as follows
Each side has a series of pieces ranging from the Pawn: which is notated only by which row it is placed on: the pawn on the H file is just H: or Harry or Harriet or Henrietta or Helmut Lang, etc etc.
Then there is the Rook on each end, notated by R: for Rick Owens
Knights: K or N: I've seen both: can't think of designers that have these primary letters so there you go.
Bishop: B: same as above
Queen: Q: same as above
King: K: same as above
When you make a move: it would go "Qa4" to signify "Queen has moved to a4"
Very simple
The complications are between piece interactions: have no fear, we have a chart.
So when you want to notate a take: it goes "Qxa4" as " Queen takes on A4"
SO, when I post a tactic, just toss in a string of moves and we can see who gets it right: answer is in the spoiler everytime
Also, a move is complete when both sides make a play: when white pushes a pawn and black takes, that is considered a full move, not just when white pushes a pawn.