by Stolsdos » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:40 pm
had a dream where I was in Tokyo or whatever my mind's idea of tokyo is, and apparently i was staying at a hostile type thing. I look out a window while everyone and I are eating in the hostile and see a guy with a supreme gift bag.
Dream gets fucking weird and some rainbow monsters with expanding limbs started attacking/killing everyone so I ran into a bathroom with a friend.
Somehow I was holding a shotgun and a monster broke through and killed my friend in the bathroom. I open the bathroom door to find my parents in a large auditorium and they say hello then morph into monsters and attack me. Then I woke up.
Most of my dreams end up being about apocalypses from zombies, aliens, unknown entities, nuclear war, or disease. Had one where I had to live in a bunker for 30 years from nuclear war surviving then got out and it turned into a zombie apocalypse dream where we drove around and fought zombies for a few weeks then I died in an alley.
Also had another nuclear war dream where friends+family start packing up and hit the road and end up fighting a bunch of random people + zombies on our journey to nowhere. We then found some huge glass biodome community where they had a school so I could restart my education and learn military shit. Some special forces team from an enemy country comes and busts up the biodome and we fight then some friends+family get out via helicopter and that's it.
Had another zombie dream where I was at an airport that had a glass box quiet room where you could see everyone outside and vice versa. Zombie apocalypse happened and everyone in the box had to sit and watch. We eventually let some army soldier in but he dies and we get his assault rifle. We all try to leave multiple times but fail. Eventually we get out and the apocalypse gets resolved.
One dream I had I was forced to jump off some super tall building over and over again and it hurt really bad every time I hit the ground but I had to walk back up and do it again. It just repeated like dozens of times. Probably one of the worst dreams I've had.
Almost ended up writing a short novel on a dream I had because it had a lot of cool plot elements + cool imagery + invisible aliens, I still thoroughly remember it.
Some dreams are just black and I compose music that sounds good at the time, but I will never know if it's actually good(probably not).
Sorry for the dream rant/stream of consciousness. Probably tmi but I mean I never talk about them in the first place. This was also extremely cathartic.
you got me, surprised I didn't catch that haha